Är förkyld och har ingen lust att laga mat. Men, klart att jag vill ÄTA mat. Vill helst att någon ska laga denna härliga soppan åt mig. Mängder med vitlök, det blir bra det.
Klicka på bilden för att komma till hennes recept. Från everbodylikessandwiches.com
Poor Megan! If you have some whiskey or rum on hand, heat a cup of water a good couple of Table spoons of the whiskey, and make it sweet with honey. Drink it HOT. For some reason it makes you feel sooooo much better! Really. Better than it should! This is what is known as a “Hot Toddy”. For some reason hot chicken broth helps, too. Feel better!
See the problem is that I despise whiskey. Good thing a hot toddy is just as good with rum
I’m alright though just stuffed upp as usual! Cold and flu drink stuff was great by the way.
I’m not a fan of whiskey either, which is why I mentioned the rum. Hope you are well soon.
Fine now!